Saturday, November 29, 2008

Penang Bowl

Shekinah members at Penang Bowl for Friday Nite Outing. Besides bowling, we had our exchange gift as well..Here are some snapshots of the night..

1# - Euwing's teddy head stucked in the gift box..

2# - Another unique gift, not from Azuke this time...

3# Becky in the house..

4# Busy posing for photo session till forgotten about bowling :p

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Brilliants, Gorgeous, TaLented, and FabuLous children of God! =) Jesus is “rockin’” within us.. so we’re rockin’! :P

Wabyu aLL!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Legacy of Azuke!

Shekinah family commenced the first week of Random Gifts Exchange during the first Friday of November '08.

Indeed! It was fun for aLL of us bringing our individual "something red" gifts and doing some random draws! We opened the presents right after the gifts landed into each and everyone of our hands... there the codenames were all exposed too!

The CG was reaLLy fun and extra ordinary that night I should say. We had this, plus the come back of Felix then our CG famiLy photo session. Too bad though that Pastor Eddie and Si-maan were not around *sigh*...aint that really complete!

To top it aLL, the night became wacky and unforgettable when Felix opened his gift only to find out what a unique and out of the norm present that a "guy" can get. Guess watisit? It's a pack of "Carefree"...... you should all know what's that right? :P and the thing was AZUKE who brought that gift! I can still remember how everyone bursted into laughter as soon as Felix showed his present! Then someone said.. what a welcome present for him! Btw, welcome back Felix!

After that, everybody was guessing who is Azuki already! LOL.... and some had the idea to be cheeky for the next random gifts exchange, category is "something soft". Nyay! Now, it's a bit scary to receive some gifts already huh! With the experience, we've even come to a conclusion that it's like the Mafia game we had in BF whereby we are trying to know who is Azuki! Wah, a sequeL of the Mafia game episode huh!

Azuki - whoever you are.... you've just created a legacy in our Shekinah CG family! LOL. Now everyone can't wait on the 24th of December to kacau you more! Silly! =P you better be there! We shall cook good food for Christmas eve dinner! Would you want a Japanese cuisine? :P

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

bLasts from the past :D

Disclamer: Not in chronological order ya... =)

Errr.. this was done with an effort though :$

Some snapped photos during the very 1st CG last May 2007 =)

Yummy buffet steamboat + BBQ dinner....
Sunset gazing and Bukit Genting dinner somewhere in the past!
One after sunday service........ with new sibLings in the family!

After a great dimsum bfast...Give me an S. H. E. K. I. N. A. H! Uhmm.. lemme dig-in my notes on

Shekinah's Celebration of Hope event last December 2007.....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

CG Photo taking session (part 2)

5# Shekinah Group Photo: 'Serious' look

6#Edmund Bday:Edmund to blow candles his lovely cake..Guess how old is he now..hmmm

6#Edmund Bday:Edmund and Victor in the house

6#Cg Sharing: Shirley think 'hard' before she shared hers.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

CG photo taking session

These photos were taken during Cg session on Nov 7th 2008 for different events.

1#Shekinah Group Photo: Cg members in 'peace' shape

2#Shekinah Group Photo: Chicky and wacky post

3#Edmund Bday: Macho and smart looking post

4#Xmas exchange gift session: Felix got himself the most 'unique' gift

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

above aLL the happenings...

Looking back for the past couple of months, indeed shekinah cg family is on the move! Wohoo! All gLory to HIM! =)

Having a magnificent GTT (Gua Tempurung Trip) recentLy, everyone indeed had fun and enjoyed the bonding inside the cave and not to mention the physical adventure challenges each one has overcome in unity! It's so funny that even amidst of all the brainstorming preparations during that time, indirectLy....the "Redang isLand getaway" planning has already started impLicitLy.. right Lay Ching? :P

Not to mention shekinah's bLissfuL BBQ by the beach and sleep over-night last Raya holidays, whereby everybody was blessed and had known one another more explicitly ya? :D Most have managed to chill by the seaside and even experienced to bump their bodies pLaying "taboo"... and who were the two Mafia ladies again who killed everyone in that ever mind boggling "Mafia" game... Ofcourse not to forget about the ever classic good ol' days "fLying the kite" thingy!

Well...who can ever forget the Tai-Ping zoo and Tai-Ping Lake picnic by the rain as our Merdeka outing huh?! :D We got the chance to once more stare at the animaLs that God created as well as the beautiful serene lake in Tai-Ping! and oh yeah with matching cool wind breeze and raindrops fallin' in our heads :P

But I'd say... above aLL the happenings mentioned? The water baptism of one and the salvation of the two of our dearies stand out the our hearts and where eLse? In heaven! :)

Our Euwing has decided to undergo water baptism last mid-July, whiLe on August and September...our dear Yin-yin and LayChing accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour! Hallelujah, Praise the Lord! :D

God must be smiLing from up there :)

Lord, we pray that You will continue to be with us and give us Your guidance for us to grow more with You and then with one another. As we progress, please give everyone that urge and desire to draw all unto You!

JC, All the gLory be unto You....You rock! Shekinah rocks! =)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Magnificient G.T

Once again Shekinah CG threw out a wonderful and challenging activity on Deepavali Day which was the Gua Tempurung Trip [G.T.T]. Gua Tempurung is one of the magnificent caves in the Peninsular Malaysia. It was truly a wonderful trip yet challenging for all. There were 11 of us who went in for GT [Grand Tour]. We 1st went to water trail and we walked in icy water for almost 2 hours!!!..We walked miles and miles on wet and rocky trails, climbed muddy slopes, slided down muddy slopes, snake-crawling, squeezed ourselves through a tiny little hole..well it is not that small but big enough for a human body size. As we went deeper into the cave, there were only light from torch lights guiding us as it was in total pitch black.Some torch lights even ran out of batteries which only have us to rely on others. There were scenarios whereby we helped each other whenever we reached roadblocks along the way. Thanks to good Samaritans!!! We were happy to see light when we reach the end of the caves. We cheered and sat in the icy water with relieved although we were drenched out. Then the guide told us, "Baru setengah jalan" (Just half way of entire trail). We were speechless.Soon after, we started walking again. We returned into the water trail and climbed up slope half way to take the stairs. Then the guide told us that we have to climb 1000 steps up and down the staircase. Really tested my stamina and others. We managed to complete the stairs climbing.It was very tiring for me but happy that i managed to complete it. From the top we managed to see gigantic stalactites and it was in well-lit area.Amazed to witness the creation of God. When we went out from the cave, finally we were able to see sunlight again, and we made it!!! We completed our GT[Grand Tour] which took us about 3 hours within the cave. After cleaning up, we moved on to Ipoh for our lunch at 3pm!! All of us were hungry as if we could swallow a chicken. Then we headed back to our dearly Penang island. Thumbs up to the organizers and all that make our GT trip possible!!!